Monday 10 December 2012

I am Back!

Hi everyone! I have been away for four whole months ( I hope someone noticed), due to technical, personal, and many other good reasons. Well, Laura is back and promises to make it up to you. While I was away, a lot happened which resulted to a lot of bottled up feelings. I do hope to finally gain some form of mental freedom as I share some of them with you. Here goes one of them.... I AM GETTING MARRIED TO THE MAN OF MY DREAMS. I literally screamed that out. I got engaged in September to the sweetest person ever. I was amazingly taken off guard in a restaurant while stuffing pie down my throat. Well, the rest is a long story that is for my heart only (sorry).

I chose to share that piece of  very personal information because I have learned a lot in a short period. In my subsequent post, I will share with you what I consider 'life changing' lessons.  Until then, please tell your friends that Laura has returned and don't forget to bookmark my blog.

Warmest Regards!

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